Do I Regret Cutting My Long Hair?

  • Posted on 27 November, 2021
  • Long Hair
  • By Anonymous


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All right what's up boys, so today's video we're going to be talking about, if i regret, cutting my long hair, let's get into it, but before we get into it guys be sure to hit that subscribe button turn on that notification. Bell that way, you don't miss any of my future content and if you dig this video down be sure to give me a like as well, because that really helps me out the algorithms also shoot me a follow on instagram guys at adam's hair stuff. I post a lot of other stuff on there and i get a little bit more personal on there. So if you're interested in that shoot me a follow at adam's hair stuff, so do i regret cutting my long hair? Yes, and no so that question is, is pretty difficult for me to answer at the making of this video. Now it's been probably about almost three months since i cut off my hair, if you're new to the channel guys uh go back and watch a couple of my old videos, i have very long hair in those videos and that's what i'm referring to my hair was Basically, down in the middle of my back, what i'm going to do is i'm going to give you guys the pros and cons of what i have found so far about cutting the long hair or keeping the long hair? What i liked about about the short hair right now and and if it's worthwhile for for me to to have cut my hair or having the long hair, something i'm going to pursue again in the future. And i hope this video helps some of you guys out. There who probably have really long hair and are on the fence about cutting it or not that kind of thing, because it can be a very stressful thing to to go through and and figure out for yourself because, as you guys know, it's a process of growing Out your hair and you become attached to it in a very strange way, but um finding out and thinking about whether you should cut or not becomes kind of a it becomes a burden on you and and it lingers in your mind in the back your head. Throughout the day, you know with little things, so i get where you're coming from, if you're one of those guys - and i hope this video can help you out. First of all, let me go through why i cut my hair. What was the number one reason why i decided to cut it, so the main reason i cut it guys is because it was actually interfering with with something that is very important. That is my sleep. So when it comes to sleeping guys when you have that long hair, there's there's certain things that you do not realize become a a big deal for you, uh when you have that long hair and one of those things for me was the sleeping part because one, My hair was so long when you slept with it, you would roll over and it would yank and pull your hair pull your neck back. That would wake me up in the middle of the night, because i'm not just one that just sleeps in like a log, you know so it would. It would like fall out and fall down and and and get in your face and tickle your face and stuff. Like that, so it would always wake me up. My hair was consistently waking me up in the middle of the night and it was. It was really taking a hit on my sleep, so i couldn't sleep anymore. It was really interfering with that and sleep is very important to me, because you know i'm consistently in the gym trying to trying to prioritize my sleep to uh. You know get the best benefits of of recovery and stuff, so the hair was just driving me nuts. Man when it came to sleep - and i i just got sick of it, so i just decided you know what i want to cut it off. I'M tired of it - and i just want something - that's going to be a little bit easier for me to manage throughout the day and something that's just easier to wash that kind of thing, and i tried a lot of different things to kind of remedy the the Sleep problem guys, i tried putting up in a very loose bun, but that ended up not working out because it would still fall out tickle your face, that kind of thing to mention it's very uncomfortable: to have your hair up for that long throughout the day, if You'Re, if you're having it up, if you have it up in a bun all day, and then you have it up in a bun while you're sleeping it's just not it's not the best uh the best thing for you, especially with with uh. You know pulling that much tension on your hair all the time. There are other various reasons. That'S why i cut it as well man, it's just you know you you like to switch it up, that kind of thing that i've always been that kind of person where i switch up. My hairstyle try different things, so you know i grew it out for four years and i really wanted to switch it up and another thing that really drive me to cut. It again is hair products guys, and that is one of the main things that this channel has always been based upon, is pommy reviews and products and stuff hair products, especially and uh. I missed using them man, so that was another big factor for me to cut my hair, as i missed actually using pomades and and paste clays uh and blow drying my hair to style, like i missed that aspect of of um, of having short hair. Also, being a barber probably does not help with the fact that you're always seeing clean haircuts every day in your profession and you're like man, that's a cool hairstyle, you know, and it makes you kind of want that kind of that hairstyle or whatever it is that You'Re seeing so that was also a thing that played into me cutting my hair because um the the reviews, man, i miss doing the palmy reviews. I miss sewing my hair with actual pomade. You know um no oil based pomades, which are my favorite favorite, hair, product and uh. You know it was just i just felt like it was time it was just time to actually to chop it off, and i always thought you know what, if i regret it that bad hey, i can grow it out again. You know growing out. Your hair is actually a journey, it's not just about the way it looks, but it's actually teaching you patience. It'S it's kind of humbling in a way to to grow out your hair, because i don't know it's something. That'S so small, and so my new that you wouldn't think would but it does. It makes you appreciate different things, about different hairstyles and, and what you can you know utilize that hairstyle for so cutting the hair was, i wouldn't say it was too difficult for me and when i knew that i needed to cut it was. I was consistently thinking about cutting it, so if you're, one of those guys right now has long hair - and you are just consistently thinking about it - i mean for weeks on end which, for me it was. It was like two or more weeks. I was sitting there. Thinking um, i i want to cut it, i'm done uh. What should i do? I'M and every day that thought came in my head, where i was like i'm over it, i'm gon na cut it and it happened and it kept happening for over two weeks. I would say even like a month and a half guys. I was thinking about that, so i don't necessarily regret cutting my hair, but i do miss a few things about it and the main thing about it that i i do miss the most is the way that it looks. So i'm a big fan of the way. Long hair looks, i think it looks very, very rugged. It looks. It looks very like um, like i don't know, just just old worldly. You know like, like no viking style, medieval style native american, like folklore like it just has a different kind of vibe to it, and i like the vibe that that long hair gives off, especially if you're the kind of dude that can really pull it off. Now. I know a lot of guys can't pull off long hair. Some guys can some do it. Well, some guys just can't man and that's just it is what it is, but i feel i feel for my sake personally, i was one of those guys who actually could pull off the long hair very well and i have the hair for it so um. I do miss the way it looks on me uh, especially with with uh the way it looks with the beard and everything. So that's, probably the main thing that i miss about it guys is just the way that it actually looked on me now. I'M gon na be straight up with you. I do not miss taking care of it. I do not miss washing it. I have, i sure, as hell do not miss sleeping with it, which is the main reason i cut it. So, for me, i think the benefits of actually having shorter hair outweighed having the long hair. Now, all the reasons that i just listed off, you know were very important to me so for you, if you have, if you're a guy who has long hair - and you are struggling with this from experience - you just know when it's time to go man, you just Know that it's time right now, i think i really don't regret it as much as i thought, um. You know when you first do it. It is a shocker you're like whoa, you feel different. You look different. Everything is kind of uh, just like euphoric in a way you're like whoa. That just really happened did i really just cut off all that hair, especially for me four years of growth, man, that's a long time. You know i started growing it out when i was what 28 27 years old so uh. You know it's a good chunk of your life, where you're actually having one particular goal in hairstyles, so it was very, very humbling to actually cut it off and and realize what what you're doing so um you just know. You just know man that it's time to do it and if you are afraid to do it, you know you got to weigh out those pros and cons for yourself, but when it comes to, if it's just you're over it, i would say just do it man. It'S not that big of a deal um and if all else fails you can grow back out and it's the process. You know, but time will catch up with it and you will get it back to where you wanted it. If you do end up cutting it. Um me personally i'll probably grow it out again eventually, but for now i am really digging having the shorter hair. Also, i will say that the attention that i have been getting from women has been a totally different story from the long hair and the shorter hair. So what i've noticed personally is that the long hair makes you kind of stand out in a way now. I feel like there's a lot of guys who have grown out the hair, so it's not as prominent as it was uh. You know a year or two ago, but i do. I will say that having a long hair kind of makes you stand out, especially if you take care of it, especially if you have that hair texture that just looks cool um and like there's, there's just that. Vibe about you so having the long hair, i will say, makes you stand out from a group of guys with shorter hair, because you are you portray that you are. You know a little bit more um, more confident in a way, because you don't care what people think uh you're, also portraying that kind of rugged kind of look, especially if you dress that way as well. So i will say that the long hair thing um did make me stand out. I feel like, and it made me kind of um. I made different women gravitate towards me. I would say uh as far as as them. You know looking my way or that kind of thing i i noticed that i noticed that, like going places where i've always gone to places like the gym, you know some as soon as i cut my hair. There are women that were looking at me that have never looked my way because of the short hair. So you know it just depends on. I guess the woman's preferences and stuff like that, but i will say that i did get different looks from different women uh. As soon as i cut my short hair and with that being said guys, the main girl that i am talking to uh loves my short hair. Now now um. Now it's it's a totally totally different vibe from her because she's just just all over it. You know she loves the shorter hair. Now doesn't want me to grow it back out. She loves the way, it looks uh. So, no, it just depends, you know, depends on the girl's preferences and what she likes, i will say, having the shorter hair is a very clean cut kind of thing. It makes you look a little bit more up kept and that you take care of yourself. That kind of thing your grooming is on point so um. That is just something i think you could. You should consider as well. You know i mean i'm not gon na sit here and lie and - and i hate when guys do that when they're lying like oh, i don't do it for women, i don't do it for yeah, that's cool and all you know like do it for yourself, but You can't sit there and lie man. You know that you care about how you look to to the opposite sex. You know that any attention from a woman matters so don't sit here and lie to me and tell me that, oh it doesn't matter, it does matter, and you know you just have to accept it, and then you just have to accept that your hair plays into Your overall image, so you have to you, know, put that into consideration whether you're, whether you're thinking about cutting it or not. For me, it wasn't that big of a factor just because there were other things that were a big deal, but it's something that i will admit that i noticed as soon as i cut it off and i was like whoa. This is a different vibe from different people, so um. The social aspect when it comes to having long hair is a is something that is definitely uh, something you should consider, but overall guys, i am happy with uh the decision i made to cut my hair for a dude. Like me, you know who loves to actually style hair, who actually cuts hair for living and who loves to do you know, reviews and and use different products, try different things style that that kind of thing like it was. It was worth it for me. So um am, i am i regretful in a way you know i miss the way it looks, but i also i am very happy that i did it so i would say that i'm more on the fence of uh, i'm happy. I did it and i'm not regretful of doing it than i am that i do regret it so uh with that being said, man um. I hope this video has helped out. Maybe some of you guys who are struggling with this kind of thing in your life and you're, a longer-haired longer-haired gentleman and you're just like i don't know what to do. Am i i'm stuck in a rock and a hard place with where i want to be and maybe cut my hair or not? Also, you know if you're a guy who's thinking about growing off their hair. I would highly recommend doing it. Man switch it up. Try it out because you never know man try anything once i would say you know if you're, a guy and you've never grown out your hair. Try it, you know, what is it going to hurt you you know and if you're sick of it like that, go to the barber and it's done in 30 minutes man, you can get a new haircut new style. It'S not that big of a deal right on boys, that's going to wrap it up for this video. I hope you enjoyed this one and i hope that it helped some of you guys out who are kind of dealing with this kind of thing and wondering about the long hair. And if i regretted it and if you uh, if you did dig this video, be sure to leave a comment down below, let me know your experiences with the long hair and maybe how you coped with figuring out how you were you were done with it and You wanted to cut it, so leave a comment down below be sure to keep an eye out for some new videos coming your way, guys i'm gon na get back to the palm of reviews. Just like my my last video giving you some in-depth uh uh explanations of what my pomades reviews are gon na be uh based upon. So if you have not checked out that video guys, there will be a card up here for that video uh. If you're interested in that one all right on boys, you have a blessed rest of your day stay fresh because you deserve the best. We will see you guys next time. Take it easy. China,


Alatar 04: I cut my hair a year ago. Was almost waist length and had been growing it for about 8 years. Really enjoyed the change to short hair initially (especially the convenience) but now find myself more and more thinking about growing it out again

Anirudh Vattem: When I cut it a few months ago I didn’t regret it all and really enjoyed the new hairstyles I could try but now that I’m looking back at my pictures, I really want it back but I’m struggling with the fact that I’m going to have to wait through the dreaded awkward stage for so long. Kind of stuck with what I do with my hair now.

Rum Ham: I agree with the sleep problem. I find that my head is way hotter with all this hair, (about 13”) and I miss that feeling of a shaved head. I was adamant about growing it out for the past 2 years. I’m donating my hair in February next year, time for a new change.

Dallas7: Men with long hair; wear a bonnet or pineapple your hair. It’ll save you the hassle when you’re sleeping.

Dom Bootstrap-Birkin: Man this video helps, really speaks out as I'm in the same boat you were

Baby Yoda: I cut my hair and immediately regretted it lol I'm in the process of growing it back again

Machin.8: See you when you get your long hair,take care

Bob Johnson: im a year in and everyone is pestering me to cut my hair. I don't like or hate having long hair I just did it for fun. Only thing i hate is maintenance, adding products and oil to keep it from going crazy but ye....

John Carroll: Look what happened to Samson of the Bible when he had his hair cut off, I rest my case!

Art Best2: Bring Back The Pompadour #ThePompadourWillNEVERDie

Juan Bzan: I cut my hair yesterday after a a year and a half. Regret it. The journey that it took to get it that long… gone…

cool guy: Yeah he regrets it

Paul johnson: From the front you look very similar to someone with long hair that is tied back... If your hair was keeping you awake... Why didn't you just cut it back to your 2 year growth stage?.. Problem solved

Spaceddout: Bring back the buzz fade brooooooo

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