Ballet Hairstyles For Short Hair | Kathryn Morgan

Here are some easy hairstyles to do for ballet class if you have short hair. These are quick and simple looks that you can do every day. Ballerinas don't have to have super long hair - any style works and you can still get it up! Start incorporating headbands in place of hairspray for healthier hair!







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I am a former soloist with the New York City Ballet. When I was a young student, I was always looking for insights into the ballet world and how to improve my dancing as well as beauty and lifestyle tips. Now that I am a professional, it is my turn to share.

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Hi everybody today, I'm going to show you some ballet hairstyles that will work for people with shorter hair like mine. These hairstyles are great. If you have shoulder length, hair and above I know, the myth is that ballet dancers have to have long hair and it's not true. Many of us have shorter hair, some even shorter than mine. So I hope these help you these all will stay. I'Ve done these I've seen other dancers do these, so, let's get into it. So anybody with short hair as a dancer, whether you're working out or any viewing anything active. I recommend getting cloth headbands. These are amazing, because they'll keep your hair held back and tight without pulling and without a lot of product, because those of us, with short hair, tend to have some short pieces that tend to get loose and are really annoying, and you feel, like you, just have To keep putting hairspray on them so get some of these. They can be your fashion statement, and this headband is going to help us with a lot of these hairstyles today, just kind of keep the hair in place. So I'm going to put it on this is one I just got it Walgreens and the key to this is once you put your hair in the headband. You want to take a couple of pieces of hair out of it so that when we put it in a ponytail, the headband is held within the ponytail and not just sitting below, or on top of it. That'S how you're going to get it to stay still and not move around. So this first hairstyle very, very simple: we're just going to put the headband on put the ponytail in and call it a day. I'Ve worn this for countless classes and rehearsals and it's been just fine, it stayed - and this is great if you're, just working out or you're a professional, but I know a lot of you are student and you need to have your hair in a bun. So I'm going to show you how to take this a step further. Okay. So what we're going to do is take the ponytail and tuck it into the headband, and it's going to look like a pretty little bun. So we're going to just fold the ponytail up and roll it roll it underneath and take this hair and roll it as well over that headband. I'M just going to start to pin it just over see that headband is going to help be our guides as to the tucking and the nice thing about this, is you can really get it tight and that you have that headband there for the hair to roll Against just kind of mess around with it, so you feel it secure and that's really it it feels very secure and you look a little bit like an old-fashioned Audrey. Hepburn old. You know, old ballerina look can be very elegant, very beautiful, very soft. So I really like this one: you can pull these little hairs forward again, keeping these baby hairs soft, but I think it's just so pretty and just very feels very, very secure also. So this is probably my favorite one x over the second one. I'M also going to use the headband again to send those hairs back and we're going to do pigtails. So exactly the same thing get some of that hair out from underneath divide your hair into and put a ponytail err and really really simple. You can use a comb to maybe even out your part a little bit but other than that super easy. I don't even really need to show you. This is a favorite hairstyle of New York City Valley principle, Megan Fairchild, who has probably even shorter hair than mine, Daria Clemenza, a former principal with the English National Ballet. Only for this you've seen her in videos rehearsing like this. This is just a very other popular one, just a different way of doing it. You can also, if your hair is long enough from here, stick some little buns in so just wrap it around itself and put some buns in my hair is not long enough to do that and so noir thick enough. You could also wrap cut these under too. This is a great way to do that tucking under one all, I'm doing is exactly the same thing as before, and just pinning it and wrapping around play around with one ponytail two ponytails. This is probably going to give you a better wrap if you are looking for a more elongated hairstyle, but it works exactly the same. So this next one will help if you have shorter layers and want to build up to the bottom. If you have like shorter up here and then longer so we're going to start, this is a very similar style to Princess Jasmine. So we're going to do half a pack down first, do that and you can either stay here or put your headband on if you're using a headband. You don't particularly need a headband with this one, but I just like to do it secure so from here again from the bottom couple: hair and then we're going to put the ponytail in this is good if you need to keep some of those shorter hairs on The top pull back, it's like they have their own own ponytail and either same thing. You keep it here, you tuck it or you can even do a little bun. If you have enough hair as we can see, I don't both of you. Probably don't. If you have short hair, but this is just another great way to wear a ponytail with a headband and yet it's a little bit tighter up here at the top, my last tip is for performance hair. If you have to have a big bun, you will probably need an extra hairpiece. I have several hair pieces that were given to me by New York City Ballet, but you can go to a beauty supply order them on Amazon. They don't have to be real hair. You'Re going to bust them up anyway, so don't worry about getting the nicest hair you can find, but just a piece like this. Some have mesh backing, some have a little loop on them and it will just make a difference for your bun and I'm just going to take the hair. Stick it back here kind of conform it to the ponytail. This is not the best piece of hair, but I just pinned it in and now I can form any kind of bun I would do you'll have to kind of play with it figure it out, but this was my secret at New York. City Ballet is having fake hair and look, and now I have a full, a full bun, so anybody with shorter hair, I highly encourage you to get a fake hair piece. If you want to do a full ballerina bun, it's really the only way to do it. That'S kind of creative you can get with short hair nice to not have that long hair, but when it comes to ballet I know it can be difficult. So that's what that is creatively we can get, but you can change up the ponytail different headbands tuck it in don't tuck it in that's the best thing I've found, because the most important thing is. Obviously, you need it out of your face and you need to stay so those are my three daily class hairstyles and then the get the piece for performances. Okay, if you have any other hairstyles and have short hair that I missed for ballet and leave me a comment in the box below don't forget to give this video a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel. So you don't miss any new videos. If you miss my latest pointe shoe video all my tips and tricks for how to sew and everything it's right there, you can click it to watch love you guys. So much and I'll see you next time.

Fayrouz H.: Katie, just wanted to let you know that you made me fall in love with ballet, I am seriously considering joining a ballet studio for adults starting next month. I am 28, I have been an athlete pretty much my whole life, I have practiced Tae Kwon Do which helped me be flexible but I quit during my teenage years, my arches are really flexible and I am working on my splits so I thought I would give ballet a shot and follow along with your technique videos and see where I will be in two years :)

Cool n Craftsy: Hey Kathryn, could you please do a video on correct alignment in ballet? That would be very helpful to dancers beginning ballet as well as dancers who want to refine their technique (such as myself). Thank you in advance!

Halle Marquette: Hi Kathryn! I have short hair as well and sometimes for a normal ballet class my mom will divide my hair into two sections, French braid it until the nape of my neck, then she takes the two un-braided ends and forms a ponytail and you can do a bun from there! It's a super cute and easy hairstyle (if you have someone that can braid your hair) that I love wearing for class and it stays in! I also wear a headband with that style to keep my baby hairs in. Also I love this video and I will definitely try some of these :)

emo ballerina: This video is SO helpful for me! I've never seen the wrap hair styles and I love it!! I think it will help me so much this year since I have multiple dance classes of different styles in a row

Ciara1211: When I danced I saw a mom who's daughter had super short black dark hair. She slicked her daughters hair back and just stuck a foam doughnut to her head . Not the best look but from the audience you couldn't tell

Karenna Hall: Thanks so much for this Kathryn! I just cut my hair before my Summer Intensive and I was looking for things to do besides braids! This is great

SamySam: I remember when I had extremely short hair with multiple layers I would french braid it, starting from my side part and going all the way to the nape of my neck. It was the best I could do since I also had bangs, the braid would hold them in place. The little ends of the braids I would bobby pin together since they were too short to form a pontytail. I would also put bobby pins in where ever short layers were starting to pop out and fray.

Grace Elizabeth: Hey Kathryn! Could you please do a stretching video for helping to prevent sore muscles? This would be really helpful! Thanks!

Hannah Hester: These are even really cute everyday hairstyles, too. Quick, easy, can just throw up your hair and head out the door. I'm definitely going to try them out.

Daff O: The biggest problem about ballet hair is that you can't be too adventurous about your hairstyles because its gotta be able to be pulled back neatly with low maintenance

Rachel Cavanagh: That second hairstyle is gorgeous! I don't dance anymore but I have a bob and am always looking for cute updo styles! Also "mess around with it until it feels secure" made me die laughing! Thats me everytime I put my hair up haha

Shannon Dillon: Thank you Katie!! I have chin length hair, this is so helpful. xoxoxo

Sy Sib: Please do a video on how to brush through the floor grand battements while staying pulled up in the supporting hip! Love this video

Kevin Williams: Thanks for this it's super helpful I have been having a hard time with my short hair during ballet! I can't get it up in a bun! Lol

misskyliesue: Pulling a bit of hair out from under the headband is one of the most brilliant things I've ever seen. No clue why I've never thought of it. Seriously, thank you!

gabrielle gillette: Hi Kathryn, can you please do a video on how to deal with ingrown toenails in ballet, I struggle with them a lot and it'd really be helpful with pointe work

Rehannah Baksh: This is so helpful since I just cut my hair to my shoulders! Thank You so much!

Ria T: I have hair above my shoulders, and my ballet teachers aren't always super supportive but I suffered from headaches and nausea when I had my hair up. I love my short hair and so this was super helpful!

Kathryn Cookson: Thanks so much Katie, can you elaborate on how to place the hair pins, sometimes mine start popping out in the middle of class, and there are some days when I feel like I have a million hold my hair in place and it starts to hurt.

Serena Capozzi: i had my hair to my waist and i just chopped lots of it off. this is super useful! thank you so much

Raven Morgan: My hair's curly but I think these could work for me! Thanks!

Riki: Hi Kathryn! I'm a young dancer and I often have troubles with self confidence, and I know that can sometimes hold a dancer back. Do you have any tips? I have really bad anxiety sometimes and it's affecting my performance as a dancer.

Dance Girl: Thanks for the video love it as usual <3 I have the same head band! I have long hair and I have trouble keeping it in buns does anyone have any tips?

Harley Quinn: SO awesome! I'm going to cut my hair so it's all one length in September, so my hair will probably only be shoulder length for awhile!

Diário de Inspirações - por Bárbara Menezes: Number 3 is my hair style, because I have shorter bangs :) Have you tried one of those "bun donuts"? They help a lot!

Darcie Blackheart: How did I never know this headband trick before now!? I love how they look but never wear them because they always pop off my head when I cambre forward or back! I can't wait to try this! Do you have any tricks for switching between hairstyles during a show? We have an upcoming performance (MND) where I start AND end the performance in a role with hair half-up and curled, but at the beginning of the second act I'm in a different role and it needs to be in a traditional bun. My hair isn't much longer than yours. If it was just one transition I wouldn't be too worried, but my hair never comes out of a bun nicely and we have to change back into the half-up/half-down style fairly quickly. Any thoughts would be much appreciated!

Cece Peter: This was very helpful! I just cut my hair up to my ears and donated it, so now I have a solution for ballet class!!

Yves Kitchen: Thanks for sharing. Really helpful

summer •: 2 Dutch braids either pinning up the ends or doing a ponytail depending on your hair length, I have hair just above my shoulders and I'm able to end the braids in a ponytail at the back of my head^_^

Jamie Law: Q&A: Hi Katie, can give advice or a video on how to "dance out" or "bigger" without sacrificing technique. Teachers have told me that I'm very careful and need to loosening up a bit, but at the same time it's difficult because my technique is not very strong. Thank you in advance :))

Rigel Moon: Thank you so much for this!!

Dancing For My Savior: Kathryn, Could you PLEASE do a video on head positions and names of positions with their head/shoulder positions. This would be so helpful. THanks

Anna Ballerina: Can you do a snow white makeup look please

alec: thank you thank you this is a much needed video thank you so much<3

katie malone: would you please be able to do a follow along video to improve the height of devlopes devant without a barre which includes easier and harder variations of some moves as i am really struggling getting my devlopes devant above 90 degrees. Thank you!

Alyssa Keane: I do an upside down braid to hold tree little hairs in the back then use one of the tiny but donuts, the smallest size at Sally Beauty works for her hair that just above her shoulders.

Grace Lamprinos: I have long hair but I’m really considering cutting my hair so I’m looking at ballet buns for short hair so thank you.

Nikki Mirhosseyni: I have longer hair and I'm growing it out but Kathryn posted so I had to watch

Valouu M: It looks great! But I have a question... Someone told me that if I do 100 rélevés per day I could go on point in less than a year or so(it really worked for a girl she knows). She also told me it will streghten my calfs and ankles and I will have better balance if I don't hold a barre or something. Will it work? And if it does, is it better if I do them in first or in sixth position?

Inês Magalhães: Hi Kathryn!Can I do this if I cut my hair into a bob (middle of my neck)?

Gracie Q: My dance teachers say that we will NOT get on pointe if we don't have a strong core which is what we also work on in our pre pointe class but can you do a video to work on core or just some core workouts to do at home??

Elisa Kotilainen: I like these ballet hairstyle videos!

Bonjour Ladies: Can you make one of these short hair tutorials for a (performance) where your hair needs to be slicked back?

Lily Jenkins: Hi, To have a career in dance is it a necessity to move away from home for high school? Is there a way to still be in a company when you're older without leaving your hometown to train at a ballet school like sab or abt? Thanks❤️

Pengie picks: Can you pleasssssemake more quick your vids

kailey chan: The hair band looks so cute on you

sunshinethekatt: I am the only senior in my ballet class this year, and will be expected to "lead"/looked up to by the other girls. any tips for setting a good example?

Esther Hadassa: Is braiding an option? Doing a little French/Dutch braid, or 2 ... it sure will keep hair out of your face while in training.

Hannah Kirkpatrick: I just cut my hair short with bangs and realized that I probably need this

riley h: Thx so much this will help me I have short and thin hair

Anna Ballerina: can you do an updated leotard collection? I know a lot has changed since the last time

Rachael Kim: You're so pretty Katie!!!

Phoebe Harrison: so I have a pixie cut does anyone have any tips for pulling it back for ballet?

Elizabeth O'Donnell: Hi Kathryn, could you do a video on quitting ballet? Because I have recently lost the spark for ballet.

Dumb Genious: Off topic but could you ever teach us a variation or some sort of dance?

Jade Perez: ❤❤❤

Fernanda Campos.: For performances, I use fake hair. My hair is shorter than yours, actually. I also cover my tattoos with foundation

Meghan Kelley: What do you do for performance?? @kathrynmorgan

anildo: I really don't think your hair is short, it's long enough to touch your shoulders

Myotis Welwitschii: Shoulder length is 'short' Like it really isn't. As a ballet dancer you just live in a bubble and think that it is. I have the opposite problem. I am a guy with long hair and my school really dislikes that. I got a very realistic looking short (like guy short) wig so that is settled for performances but while that settled the big waves I still get comments.

Adiya: 5th comment :3. I love you kathryn, keep it up <3

lauren: does anyone have any tips on how to get fringes back? i have a long ( nose length ish) full fringe that i'm growing out and it's a nightmare to get up and back without the most ridiculous amount of gel and bobby pins x

Ari Rojas: and if i need i high bun what can i do? help!

Hannah Fox: How do ballet dancers with cropped hair put a hair piece in for a bun?

FlugmangoLp: I am a 15 years old Boy from germany who danced 8 years ballet and than had to stop because of an knee ingerury and then stoped ballet and startet with modern dance but know wants to start again. Do you think i have the oportunity do become a provesional One day? And should i start again?

Alyssa Ellisor: HELLO!!!!!ilysm♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

Ren Honjo: What if you have bangs?

Cheryl Szymanski: Why haven't you posted in awhile?

tsukki boo: Am I the only one who wears cornrows I sits in place, last’s long, it’s quick and easy to do and it looks nice when you do it correctly

Margaret Schubert: First comment

Margaret Schubert: First comment

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